
"Herba Sana"

"VISIT THE GARDEN OF HEALTH "HERBA SANA!" the herbalist's garden, a medicinal garden on a journey.

For over 15 years, Ortis Laboratories has had a didactic garden dedicated to medicinal plants at the heart of the Hautes Fagnes region. Ortis has created and designed this garden to raise awareness amongst the public about nature, its preservation, and natural health. To celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2018, the company decided to make this garden travel with 25 essential plants in different provinces of the country. 

With knowledgeable partners who share their passion for nature and its benefits, gardens like the Miniature Gardens are beginning to be implemented across the country. Behind each of these projects lies a special facet of Ortis' philosophy. Through the migratory garden "Herba Sana near you," medicinal plants will make themselves heard. An original way to make the project of the garden of health accessible to everyone and offer each the opportunity to live healthily thanks to nature and its benefits."

"Parc des Topiaires " is a park located in the town of Durbuy.

The Province of Luxembourg and Idelux have launched a communication campaign titled "Just a stone's throw away from me". The aim is to support different actors of the area in the fields of health, culture, tourism, local products, etc. In this context, various actions are proposed including "I discover just a stone's throw away from me". The objective? To offer you attractive prices to enjoy the attractions of the area throughout the summer. More information:

Tentez votre chance pour gagner 5X2 entrées gratuites pour notre évènement qui aura lieu les 20-21 juillet 2024 au Parc des Topiaires de Durbuy (comprenant l’accès au Parc ainsi qu’au salon)
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Le tirage au sort se fera le mardi 16-07-2024 !!
Nous annoncerons les gagnants uniquement par un post sur notre page à la date prévue. Méfiez-vous des arnaques !
Bonne chance à tous ! 🍀✨