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People with specific needs

Sensitized since 2009 by the Province of Luxembourg's Tourisme & Handicap unit, the staff at "Parc des Topiaires have" never stopped training and doing their utmost to make the park accessible to all.

Their efforts were rewarded in 2017 when the park was awarded Access-i certification. The Access-i non-profit organization's mission is to promote information on the accessibility of goods and services for people with special needs. You can visit their website.

But the staff aren't stopping there. The park has recently embraced the idea of welcoming another kind of public: autistic people. After contributing to the "Autism Friendly" pilot project at Fourneau Saint Michel, the Province of Luxembourg's Alter & Go service turned to Parc des Topiaires.

Since early 2019, staff have been working on the adapted booklet, highlighting busy times, activities to be carried out, quiet areas, sanitary facilities, etc. Alter & Go has also raised awareness among reception staff of the needs of people with autism.

The most important aspect is signage. Each step and/or element of the route must be visible, explained and detailed with photos and specific pictograms. This makes it easier for visitors with autism and their companions to understand which sensory activities are possible, what the safety instructions are, and which areas are nearby for resting or letting off steam.

Accessibility for all : a major concern at "Parc des Topiaires".

Click here for a technical sheet on accessibility at "Parc des Topiaires".


ASBL Access-i

The Access-i non-profit association promotes information on the accessibility of goods and services for people with special needs.

Le Parc est fermé
jusqu'au 14 février inclus

Réouverture le samedi 15 février